Born in Landshut, Germany in 1962
1977-84 car-and aeronautical mechanic
1991 degree in architecture University of Applied Sciences of Munich, FH Munich
Lives and works in Milan, Italy.
I was born in Landshut, Germany in 1962. After working as car-and aeronautical mechanic (1977-1984), I took a degree in architecture at the University of Applied Sciences of Munich. It was here that I began my studies of industrial and architectural drawing.
During this period I travelled extensively throughout Southeast Asia, India, China, USA, Indonesia, Israel and Jordan.
In 2002 I moved to Italy where I continued my artistic activity. I live and work in Milan, Italy. In my paintings, technology and nature come out in a mixture of mechanic alienation and living dimension where humans and nature compete in conquering territories.
Motors become a symbolic representation of internal mechanisms, replacing sometimes emotions sites – interpreting the conflict between nature and technology.
Atelier: Via Cristoforo Gluck 62, 20125 Milano